A new paper on excitonic insulator published on PRX

In this paper, we find a new excitonic insulator candidate, Ta2Pd3Te5. It has the advantage that the excitonic states do not entangle with CDW or structure transition, unlike the previous excitonic cadidates. Thus it is a promising platform to study the excitonic physics.

Related achievement titled “Spontaneous Gap Opening and Potential Excitonic States in an Ideal Dirac Semimetal:Ta2Pd3Te5” was published on PHYSICAL REVIEW X. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.14.011047

Trip to the University of Tokyo for Experiments and Collaborations

We made a two-week trip to the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo for ARPES experiments. The Institute is located in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, and specializes in fundamental solid state sciences.

During our visit, we conducted experiments primarily in Professor Kondo’s laboratory and Professor Okazaki’s laboratory, utilizing cutting-edge equipments such as high-resolution ARPES with a 7eV laser, and an ARPES system capable of reaching ultra-low temperatures. Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit facilities dedicated to tr-ARPES and spin-resolved ARPES.